Matthias Nees
2014-04-22 08:27:34 UTC
in recent N7 Firmware you can set this with:
set netflow export-data enable mac or vlan
Matthias Nees
-----UrsprÃŒngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stefan Hofem [mailto:***]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. April 2014 09:32
An: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Betreff: [enterasys] N7: Netflow Interface names?
is there an option similar to the Cisco "ip flow-export interface-names" command to add the interface-names to the flows?
Netflow-exporter is an old N7 (07.41.03)?
Stefan Hofem
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in recent N7 Firmware you can set this with:
set netflow export-data enable mac or vlan
Matthias Nees
-----UrsprÃŒngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stefan Hofem [mailto:***]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. April 2014 09:32
An: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Betreff: [enterasys] N7: Netflow Interface names?
is there an option similar to the Cisco "ip flow-export interface-names" command to add the interface-names to the flows?
Netflow-exporter is an old N7 (07.41.03)?
Stefan Hofem
To unsubscribe from enterasys, send email to *** with the body: unsubscribe enterasys ***