Lyris ListManager
2014-10-22 23:38:42 UTC
This is the Enterasys mailing list for customers to discuss technical issues at ***
Below are commands for the BODY of an email to the automated listserv at <***>.
* To join: *
subscribe enterasys Your Name
Your name is entirely optional.
* To leave: *
unsubscribe enterasys ***@email.address
Your email address is optional in general, but if you subscribed with an email address other than the address sending the message, you will need that piece of information, and the ability to reply to the automated message that comes back to that address. (For instance, <***> and <***> might be the same, but the automated system doesn't know that.)
/ Advanced Options /
* RSS *
* To receive one digest message per day (digest): *
set enterasys digest
The only disadvantage to the digest format is that some people send HTML mail. If your mail client supports it, use mime-digest instead of digest.
* To receive list mail when it is sent (to undo digest): *
set enterasys mail
While I'm going over options, another nifty one is to change to a new email address before you lose the old one. From your currently subscribed email address (now shown in the footer of every message), send mail to <***> with the message body (of course substitute your actual new email address without spaces after the =):
set enterasys email=***@email.address
The listserver will place your subscription on hold if your email address bounces mail for several days. A final neat option is to get your subscription off of hold, once your mail server and account are functional again, by sending mail to <***> with the message body:
Good luck!
Below are commands for the BODY of an email to the automated listserv at <***>.
* To join: *
subscribe enterasys Your Name
Your name is entirely optional.
* To leave: *
unsubscribe enterasys ***@email.address
Your email address is optional in general, but if you subscribed with an email address other than the address sending the message, you will need that piece of information, and the ability to reply to the automated message that comes back to that address. (For instance, <***> and <***> might be the same, but the automated system doesn't know that.)
/ Advanced Options /
* RSS *
* To receive one digest message per day (digest): *
set enterasys digest
The only disadvantage to the digest format is that some people send HTML mail. If your mail client supports it, use mime-digest instead of digest.
* To receive list mail when it is sent (to undo digest): *
set enterasys mail
While I'm going over options, another nifty one is to change to a new email address before you lose the old one. From your currently subscribed email address (now shown in the footer of every message), send mail to <***> with the message body (of course substitute your actual new email address without spaces after the =):
set enterasys email=***@email.address
The listserver will place your subscription on hold if your email address bounces mail for several days. A final neat option is to get your subscription off of hold, once your mail server and account are functional again, by sending mail to <***> with the message body:
Good luck!