AW: AW: client communication issue on C5G
Gradelain Ngouni
2014-06-03 06:55:00 UTC
Hi All,

an update of the S3 to the actual Firmware seems to have solved my issue.
But still can’t understand why the S-series behaved like this

Thanks for all your thoughts.



Von: Gradelain Ngouni
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 17:00
An: '***@listserv.unc.edu'
Betreff: AW: AW: [enterasys] client communication issue on C5G

Hey John,

here an update of what I’m actually facing:
this the configuration of my SVI:
interesting will be the lines after this:


interface vlan.0.22

ip address primary

vrrp create 22 v2-IPv4

vrrp address 22

vrrp priority 22 200

vrrp advertise-interval 22 seconds 5

vrrp accept-mode 22

vrrp fabric-route-mode 22

vrrp enable 22

ip helper-address

ip helper-address

ip helper-address

ip helper-address

no ip proxy-arp

no ip redirects

ipv6 forwarding

no shutdown


interface vlan.0.22

ip address primary

vrrp create 22 v2-IPv4

vrrp address 22

vrrp priority 22 150

vrrp advertise-interval 22 seconds 5

vrrp accept-mode 22

vrrp fabric-route-mode 22

vrrp enable 22

ip helper-address

ip helper-address

ip helper-address

ip helper-address

no ip proxy-arp

no ip redirects

ipv6 forwarding

no shutdown


On the S3 Interface vlan.0.22, I ONCE AGAIN apply “shut” and “no shut”
With this commands set, the client were able to reach their Gateway and beyond.

Her’s were it gets once again complicated:

Client_1 with IP is connected on port ge.1.25 on the S3. NAC only apply the policy to the user and the VLAN 22 is manually configured on the user switch port.
Client 2 with IP is connected on port ge.1.11 on the C5G. NAC Apply the Policy and Dynamically the vlan to the user switch port.

1) Shutdown the port of Client_1 and enable it again ==> the client is once again reachable

2) Shutdown the port of Client_1 and enable it again ==> client no more reachable!

a. Shot down the interface vlan.0.22 and enable it again, then clients once again reachable.

I’m reporting to GTAC
The behavior is a wee bit strange.



Von: Gradelain Ngouni
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 12:26
An: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Betreff: AW: AW: [enterasys] client communication issue on C5G

Yes sure!! I’ll keep you updated.
Inter-Vlan communication is given even on different switches. But the client still can’t reach their own Default-Gateway.
It’s a little bit strange:

Von: John Kaftan [mailto:***@utica.edu]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 11:53
An: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: [enterasys] client communication issue on C5G

Please let us know what it was.

Thank you. I had this issue and the port was part of a mirror.
On May 15, 2014 4:36 AM, "Gradelain Ngouni" <***@scaltel.de<mailto:***@scaltel.de>> wrote:
Hi All,

thanks for your thoughts, GTAC is on this now.



Von: Payne, Jimmy R. [mailto:***@forsythco.com<mailto:***@forsythco.com>]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014 13:47
An: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Betreff: RE: [enterasys] client communication issue on C5G

Just curious but is there any particular reason your traffic is untagged?

Jimmy Payne
Information Systems and Technology Department
Network Manager

From: Gradelain Ngouni [mailto:***@scaltel.de]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 1:25 PM
To: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Subject: AW: [enterasys] client communication issue on C5G

Hello John,

here the „sh port egress“.

The only reason why, the vlan attribute is configured on the NAC-Gateway is that, the policy were configured separately from someone else. And shouldn’t be manipulated at this time.
Yes, any Client that gets the role “ROLE-MAC-Telefonserver” should be assign vlan 22 no matter what vlan is set on the port.

The final goal of the Role “ROLE-MAC-Telefonserver” should be allowing everything except some specific protocol, therefore in my opinion better to assign the vlan trough NAC and the protocol restriction trough PM.
Similar rules are working on other switches pretty well.
The IP address on vlan 22 is assign to the pc manually and the PC still can’t ping its gateway.

Thanks in advance.


Gradelain Ngouni
Dipl. -Ing.

Anna-Birle-Str. 2
55252 Mainz-Kastel
Telefon +49 6134 50789-23<tel:%2B49%206134%2050789-23>

Telefax +49 (0) 6134 50789-10<tel:%2B49%20%280%29%206134%2050789-10>



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Gradelain Ngouni
Dipl. -Ing.

Anna-Birle-Str. 2
55252 Mainz-Kastel
Telefon +49 6134 50789-23<tel:%2B49%206134%2050789-23>

Telefax +49 (0) 6134 50789-10<tel:%2B49%20%280%29%206134%2050789-10>



Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft
Registergericht: Kempten HRB 7208
Sitz: Waltenhofen
Vorstandsvorsitzender: Christian Skala
Vorstand: Joachim Skala
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Alfons Hörmann


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Gradelain Ngouni
Dipl. -Ing.

Anna-Birle-Str. 2
55252 Mainz-Kastel

Telefon +49 6134 50789-23
Telefax +49 (0) 6134 50789-10

Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft
Registergericht: Kempten HRB 7208
Sitz: Waltenhofen
Vorstandsvorsitzender: Christian Skala
Vorstand: Joachim Skala
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Alfons Hörmann


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