Apple TV with 5110 controller
Randy Boehler
2014-03-19 01:41:57 UTC
Has anyone seen disconnect problems with the following -

Ipad 2 connects to Apple TV (wireless) either it will connect and only stay
connected for 8 - 10 minutes. Or it will just not connect .

We have 40 Apple Tv 's in 40 separate rooms. Wireless signal is great. Other
network connections work fine( email, internet...)

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Controller code is (5110)

Enterasys model 3500 AP,s

We have an IPAD 2 running 7.1 .

Apple TV code 6.1

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Ian Lyons
2014-03-19 01:55:43 UTC

Validate that your apple tv ' s don't have a bad chip in them. Generation
3 (which is model A1469)

The glitch is known. But we just bought a dozen and had 2 with bad
serials. Symptoms are dropping connections etc.

Apple store will replace them

Also make sure on latest apple code.

Has anyone seen disconnect problems with the following -

Ipad 2 connects to Apple TV (wireless) either it will connect and only
stay connected for 8 - 10 minutes. Or it will just not connect .

We have 40 Apple Tv 's in 40 separate rooms. Wireless signal is great.
Other network connections work fine( email, internet.......)

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Controller code is (5110)

Enterasys model 3500 AP,s

We have an IPAD 2 running 7.1 .

Apple TV code 6.1

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James Andrewartha
2014-03-19 01:57:28 UTC
Hi Randy,
Has anyone seen disconnect problems with the following –
Ipad 2 connects to Apple TV (wireless) either it will connect and only
stay connected for 8 – 10 minutes. Or it will just not connect .
We have 40 Apple Tv ‘s in 40 separate rooms. Wireless signal is great.
Other network connections work fine( email, internet…….)
Yes, we've seen this too. I haven't been able to get a trace when it
occurs, it's frustratingly transient. I do have a GTAC case open
(01009042), but it's been a low priority. Do you have any Macs
available? If so, could you run "dns-sd -B _airplay" in a terminal and
see if the services disappear and reappear? I don't know if it's
directly related to Airplay disconnecting though.

Our environment is on V2110, 3710 APs.

James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877

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James Andrewartha
2014-03-19 02:03:13 UTC
Post by Ian Lyons
Validate that your apple tv ' s don't have a bad chip in them.
Generation 3 (which is model A1469)
The glitch is known. But we just bought a dozen and had 2 with bad
serials. Symptoms are dropping connections etc.
Hmm, the serial numbers of a few of ours don't match that (they seem to
mostly be JL), and are plugged in via Ethernet anyway.
James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877

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James Andrewartha
2014-03-19 05:45:16 UTC
Post by James Andrewartha
Our environment is on V2110, 3710 APs.
Actually, we've been running a debug build for another problem (which is
why this one has been a low priority) and the Airplay problem has gone
away (although Bonjour service still disappear, but I guess that shows
it's not related). The AP internal build number is was just released, and no doubt GTAC will ask you to
upgrade to that version first.
James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877

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Randy Boehler
2014-03-19 05:55:13 UTC
Any controller settings to be aware of?

-----Original Message-----
From: James Andrewartha [mailto:***@ccgs.wa.edu.au]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:45 AM
To: Enterasys Customer Mailing List
Subject: Re: [enterasys] Apple TV with 5110 controller
Post by James Andrewartha
Our environment is on V2110, 3710 APs.
Actually, we've been running a debug build for another problem (which is why
this one has been a low priority) and the Airplay problem has gone away
(although Bonjour service still disappear, but I guess that shows it's not
related). The AP internal build number is was just released, and no doubt GTAC will ask you to upgrade to
that version first.

James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877

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unsubscribe enterasys ***@bei.tc

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James Andrewartha
2014-03-19 07:07:48 UTC
Post by Randy Boehler
Any controller settings to be aware of?
I didn't change any, the problem just went away with the debug AP
firmware. We didn't have problems with Airplay dropouts last year on
8.21, I upgraded to 8.32 at the end of the year and that's we started
getting reports when the teachers came back this year.
James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877

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